
    Introduction to the course (NMC) Copy


    I am F. A. Mensah-Okyere. Welcome to this online course on Critical Thinking Skills for Lifelong Learning & Healthcare Innovations with EmoEles; under Innovations in Self-Directed Study and Reflective Practice. Throughout your lessons and topics, you will find buttons that you must tap/click on to “mark complete” each lesson that you cover. Please do not forget to do this because this is what will tell the system that you have completed a section and will enable your progress bar to recognize the shift.

    Please note this:

    The program will instantly generate a verifiable certificate of achievement in this LMS when you successfully complete the final assessment. There will be no certificate generated for persons who score less than 50% on the final assessment. Please take your time and go through all the lessons and quizzes in the course before attempting the final assessment. It is very easy to score 100% if you should do these.

    Kindly open, fill, and submit the registration form in the next section to begin.

    Note: Courses and contents in this Learning Management System (LMS) are regularly updated to reflect the most current trends.