

    Format: Online/Internet-based with Learning Management System (LMS)

    Language: (en English ‎)

    Time required: 4 hours to be spread over up to 2 days

    Start Dates, Time, and Selected Districts:

    Participating districts are categorized into 3 groups namely A, B, and C.

    Group A:              Akwapim North Municipal

    Group B:              Wasa Amenfi East Municipal

    Group C:              Wasa Amenfi West Municipal

    Group AGroup BGroup C
     2021  2021       2021
    Sensitization Workshop on Education Policies29-Sept @ 4 pm30-Sept @ 4 pm1-Oct @ 4 pm


    • Though sessions are scheduled to start on specific dates, teachers who register and make payment early will be allowed to start self-paced activities in their LMS earlier. That means persons who start earlier will have additional time to acquaint themselves with their LMS and complete self-paced activities.  
    • Teachers will have up to 2 consecutive days (excluding Sundays) from the indicated start date to complete this workshop. During this period, various online discussions, breakout sessions, activities, presentations, and Q&A sessions will be scheduled for constituent groups.
    • This workshop has been significantly discounted for all in-service teachers in the selected districts.
    • Target Group: Teachers in all ranks, teaching/non-teaching staff
    • Method of recording and keeping attendance: Teacher’s INSET Logbook, NTC’s digital register for teachers, Cledor Education’s attendance register
    • Intended mechanisms for monitoring attendance and active participation (per hour or session) for the duration of the activity: Periodic recording of participant list; use of interactive learning; periodic formative activities, others are: Attendance register, Q&A, and group activities.
    • Method to be used for obtaining feedback or evaluation of the program:
      • Formative and summative assessment of participants
      • Questionnaires/Feedback forms
      • Video testimonials
    • List of references for participants to consult ahead of training:
      • Updates will be available in LMS and on discussion boards
    • Please note that there is a live Q&A session with the program facilitator.
      • Supplementary contents and activities will be available in participants’ LMS

    Facilitator Information

    Name: Francis Mensah-Okyere

    Position: CEO, Cledor Ltd.

    WhatsApp/Telephone: 054 632 0697/ 024 931 4836

    Email: [email protected]