At this point, we would like to assess how much you have learned. Get ready to take a quiz. Don’t worry if you are unable to meet the pass mark for a certificate from us, you will have other opportunities to make up for it. Please ensure that you have revised all the contents including quizzes in the course before you attempt this test. You can take the test only once. To avoid the situation where you encounter internet connectivity problems while taking the test, please ensure that you are at a location that has good internet service.

Please note this:

This program will get you 2 certificates if you do well..  i.e. 1. a certificate of achievement in this LMS and 2. a certificate of participation in your TPG account on the NTC website. There will be no certificate of achievement generated in the LMS for persons who score less than 60% on this final assessment. If you took your time and went through all the lessons and quizzes in this LMS, you should score 100% or at least 60% on this final assessment and earn that certificate of achievement.

A compulsory final assessment will be sent in Google Forms to your email later at the end of the course activities. That assessment will be used to determine your points in the TPG and will generate a certificate of participation for you in the TPG as well. Persons who do not take the Google Forms’ final assessment will NOT get their points and certificate of participation in the TPG. Thank you.

Please proceed now to take this final assessment if you are ready.

Duration: 55 Minutes

Pass mark for a Cledor Certificate of Achievement: 60%

For each question, choose an alphabet at the left [i.e. (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E)] which indicates the most correct of the possible answers: