The sensitization workshop on NTC activities and education policies is hosted by Cledor Education under the auspices of the National Teaching Council (NTC). The program for each district will consist of a series of four (4) sensitization areas, each of which will be organized in a prescribed order. This workshop attracts a maximum of 8 credit points.
The objective of the series in this workshop is to provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of all matters related to teacher CPD, licensing, and registration in Ghana as mandated by the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020, Act 1023, and implemented by the National Teaching Council. The workshop will equip participants with the necessary aptitudes with which to practice and make well-informed decisions related to their career as licensed in-service teachers.
The pedagogic approach of this workshop is based on collaborative, interactive, and experiential learning using a flipped classroom model. Participants will actively learn by interacting among themselves, with web applications, and with facilitators through multiple discussion boards before, during, and after the sessions. They will use a hands-on approach to learning that goes beyond the day of the workshop; informed by their pre and post-sensitization knowledge, experience, and reflections. These are aimed at shaping and sharpening the knowledge, values, attitudes, and practice of participants in their profession.
Participants will accumulate hands-on learning through a series of activities including discussion boards, seminars, case studies, project reports, and presentations. Sessions in all four sensitization areas of the workshop may require participants to commit an estimated six-hour period at the minimum. These are to be completed over a single day and managed in part through an assigned online Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS, once assigned, will be used by each participant to manage a range of their workshop activities. This includes registration, program materials in multimedia, end-of-program evaluations, and automated generation of program certificates upon successful completion. In-person participants who will wish to maintain continued access to their account in the LMS to secure a record and status of the workshop attended, etc…, beyond this in-person sensitization workshop, and use it to manage their CPD journey with Cledor throughout their career as in-service teachers will be required to make a separate request for this service and pay a small fee for same.
The workshop will focus on functional outcomes for teachers such as (i) building portfolio for successful CPD assessment and license renewal e.g. how to earn CPD points by compiling evidence about teachers’ professional knowledge, professional values & attitudes, and professional practice per the National Teachers Standards (NTS); (ii) effectively using the teacher portal on the NTC website e.g. how to verify a teacher license and upload portfolio records for CPD assessment; and (iii) understanding their CPD requirements e.g. understand what constitutes demand-driven and supply-driven programs, the minimum required points and the implications.
The methods of assessment will, among others, emphasize participants’ hands-on application of what they have learned to enhance their career and boost their achievement and satisfaction as in-service teachers.
The four (4) sensitization areas in the workshop are listed as follows:
1. Understanding CPD Requirements
2. Licensing and Portfolio Building for CPD Assessment
3. Teacher Incentive Packages for CPD Compliance
4. NTC Mandate and the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 1023
Program Certification
Participants who meet the workshop requirements will receive a Certificate of Attendance issued in electronic format via the assigned LMS.
Format: In-Person Participation at a physical venue
Language: English (en)
Time required: 6 hours to be completed in 1 day
Start Dates, Time, and Selected Districts:
Participating districts are categorized into 3 groups namely A, B, and C.
Group A: Akwapim North Municipal
Group B: Wasa Amenfi East Municipal
Group C: Wasa Amenfi West Municipal
Tuesday 11th November 2021, 9 am (Group A)
Saturday 13th November 2021, 9 am (Tentative for Group B)
Saturday 20th November 2021, 9 am (Tentative for Group C)
- Though sessions are scheduled to start on specific dates, teachers who register and make payment early will be allowed access to their LMS earlier. That means persons who start earlier will have additional time to acquaint themselves with their LMS and download course materials.
- Teachers will have a single day to complete this in-person workshop. During this period, various discussions, breakout sessions, activities, presentations, and Q&A sessions will be scheduled for constituent groups.
- This in-person workshop has been significantly discounted for all in-service teachers in the selected districts.
- Kindly join our telegram group at to be receiving updates about the program.
(c) Cledor Ltd.
Facilitator Information
Name: Francis Mensah-Okyere
Position: CEO, Cledor Ltd.
WhatsApp: 054 632 0697
Email: [email protected]
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